Being a Christian means being a follower of Jesus. In some ways, becoming a Christian is as simple as deciding to begin to follow Jesus. There is nothing holding you back from making that decision right now. Romans 10:9 says "...if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." To make Jesus your Lord means to make him the one who is in control of the decisions you make in life. That's what it means to follow Jesus.
The reason that Jesus is worthy to be followed is that he died so that you can have a relationship with God. All people have made mistakes in their life (Romans 3:23). The Bible calls these mistakes "sin." Romans 6:23 tells us that "the wages of sin is death..." Because God is perfect, our mistakes lead us away from God. This is why Jesus, who is God, came to the earth and died on the cross. The rest of Romans 6:23 says "...but the gift of God is eternal life, through Christ Jesus our Lord."
God wants to give you the gift of eternal life. This is not just a ticket to heaven when you die, but it is also a relationship with God while on this earth. To be given a gift, you must receive that gift. You must accept the gift that God wants to give you.
If you want to accept the gift of eternal life that God wants to give you, pray this prayer and believe it in your heart and mind: "God, I'm sorry for the mistakes I have made in my life. I believe that Jesus died on the cross to take away the punishment for my mistakes. I want to begin to follow you. I am making you the one who is in control of my life and committing to you forever. Amen."
If you prayed that prayer and believed it in your heart, then the Bible tells us that you became a Christian. The next step is to tell someone. Call or email the church to let us know the decision you made. Let a friend know what you have done. And then come to church this Sunday to start learning about your relationship with God. We have Sunday Morning Bible Study at 9:15 and Worship at 10:30. You can get more information about the different Bible Study classes by going to our Bible Study page.